Grading beam

Grading beam

Project Description

IMPLEMEX Grading beam

– The grader is intended for leveling the surface, preparing tiles, paving or similar work
– Ideal for excavators with tilting rotors
– When using a grader with a telescopic loader, an additional hydraulic tilting must be installed to tilt the grader sideways
– Grader main roller of variable / adjustable height, convenient for ironing gravel, gravel, sand, i.e. finely or coarsely structured materials
– Wear-resistant metal HARDOX stripes under the bottom of the grader – for longer service life
– Bolt-on attachment brackets – according to the model of the loader, excavator or telehandler
– Also available without brackets, only with a place to fasten them
– Attaching combine double brackets available, e.g. S-50 and S-60 or S-60 and S-70 or other types


TYPE GI with bucket

GI-GB 250 Grading beam grader Gigant - Implemex greideris ekskavatoriui VOLVO
MODEL Attaching brackets Digger size Roller diameter Working width Bucket volume Accessories Weight Price
Roller cleaning bracket Hardox wear plate under Cutting edge
Standard Recommended t mm mm kg
Gi-100GB Welded S-30 S-30 < 8 Without roller 1000 0,049 No Yes  Brinell 400 HB 210 1 025 €
Gi-150GB Welded S-30 S-30 < 8 Without roller 1500 0,074 No Yes  Brinell 400 HB 280 1 275 €
Gi-180GB Welded S-40 S-30-40 < 10 Without roller 1800 0,089 No Yes  Brinell 400 HB 340 1 325 €
Gi-200GB Bolt on plate only S-50-60 12 – 16 Without roller 2000 0,163 No Yes  Brinell 400 HB 440 2 040 €
Gi-230GB Bolt on plate only S-50-60 12 – 16 Without roller 2300 0,188 No Yes  Brinell 400 HB 470 2 155 €
Gi-250GB Bolt on plate only S-50-60-70 14 – 18 Without roller 2500 0,205 No Yes  Brinell 400 HB 500 2 230 €
Gi-300GB Bolt on plate only S-50-60-70 14 – 18 Without roller 3000 0,246 No Yes Brinell 400 HB 520 2 415 €

Prices shown are without attaching brackets. Delivery and VAT not included.

TYPE GI with a bigger volume bucket

MODEL Attaching Bracket Digger size Roller diameter Working Width Bucket volume Accessories Weight Price
Roller cleaning bracket Hardox wear plate under Cutting edge
Standard Recommended t mm mm kg
Gi-230GB-S Bolt-on plate only S40-45-50 12 – 16 Without roller 2300 0,419 No Yes Brinell 400 HB 680 2 660 €
Gi-230GB-SB Bolt-on plate only S40-45-50 12 – 16 Without roller 2300 0,366 No Yes Brinell 400 HB 670 2 600 €
Gi-250GB-S Bolt-on plate only S40-45-50 14 – 18 Without roller 2500 0,457 No Yra Brinell 400 HB 720 2 845 €
Gi-250GB-SB Bolt-on plate only S-50-60-70 14 – 18 Without roller 2500 0,399 No Yes Brinell 400 HB 710 2 785 €
Gi-300GB-S Bolt-on plate only S-50-60-70 14 – 18 Without roller 3000 0,552 No Yes Brinell 400 HB 830 4 200 €

Prices shown are without attaching brackets. Delivery and VAT not included.


TYPE GI-GB with a roller, without bucket

MODEL Attaching Bracket Digger size Roller diameter Working Width Bucket volume Accessories Weight Price
Roller cleaning bracket Hardox wear plate under Cutting edge
Standard Recommended mm mm kg
Gi-GB-1500-L Welded S-30 S-30 S-40 < 8 220 x 4 1500 Without bucket No Yes No 310 1 500 €
Gi-GB-2000-L Welded S-40 S-40 < 8 220 x 4 2000 Without bucket No Yes No 345 1 640€
Gi-GB-2300-L Welded S-40 S-40 < 8 220 x 4 2300 Without bucket No Yes No 345 1 725 €
Gi-GB-2500-L Privirinti S-40 S-40-45 < 10 220 x 4 2500 Without bucket No Yes No 385 2 105 €
Gi-GB-2000 Bolt-on plate only S-50 10 – 14 324 x 6 2000 Without bucket Yes Yes No 520 2 180 €
Gi-GB-2500 Bolt-on plate only S-60 12 – 16 324 x 6 2500 Without bucket Yes Yes No 590 2 600 €
Gi-GB-3000 Bolt-on plate only S-60-70 14 – 18 324 x 6 3000 Without bucket Yes Yes No 650 2 800 €
Prices shown are without attaching brackets. Delivery and VAT are not included.

TYPE GI-GB+R with a roller, with bucket 

GI-GB 250 GB+R Grading beam grader Gigant - Implemex greideris ekskavatoriui VOLVO
MODEL Attaching Bracket Digger size Roller diameter Working Width Bucket volume Accessories Weight Price
Roller cleaning bracket Hardox wear plate under Cutting edge
Standard Recommended t mm mm kg
Gi-200GB+R Bolt-on plate only S-50-60-70 14 – 18 324 x 6 2000 0,162 Yes Yes Brinell 400 HB 630 2 750 €
Gi-230GB+R Bolt-on plate only S-50-60-70 14 – 18 324 x 6 2300 0,186 Yes Yes Brinell 400 HB 650 2 810 €
Gi-250GB+R Bolt-on plate only S-50-60-70 16 – 20 324 x 6 2500 0,203 Yes Yes Brinell 400 HB 710 2 990 €

Prices shown are without attaching brackets. Delivery and VAT not included.

TYPE GI-LB for wheel and telescopic loaders

grading beam Implemex
MODEL Attaching Bracket Digger size Roller diameter Working Width Bucket volume Accessories Weight Price
Roller cleaning bracket Hardox wear plate under Cutting edge
Standard Recommended t mm mm kg
Gi-300GB-L Welded JCB, MANITOU, VOLVO, ir kt.. 14 – 18 Without roller 3000 0,48 No Yes Brinell 400 HB 535 2 900 €
Prices shown are without attaching brackets. Delivery and VAT not included.
Greideris grader Implemex
MODEL Attaching Bracket Digger size Roller diameter Working Width Bucket volume Accessories Weight Price
Roller cleaning bracket Hardox wear plate under Cutting edge
Standarte Rekomenduojami t mm mm kg
Gi-LB-300 Welded JCB, MANITOU, VOLVO, ir kt.. 14 – 18 Be volo 3000 Without bucket No Yes SHARQ P300™ 680 4 150 €
Gi-LB-300+R Welded JCB, MANITOU, VOLVO, ir kt.. 14 – 18 324 x 6 3000 Without bucket Yes Yes SHARQ P300™ 740 4 900 €

Prices shown are without attaching brackets. Delivery and VAT not included.

Bolt-on attaching Brackets and other Accessories

Grading beam grader Gigant - Implemex greideris ekskavatoriui 3 S-type brackets

AB-GB-S-50  Boltable plate with S-50 brackets 330 €
AB-GB-S-60 Boltable plate with S-60 brackets 430 €
AB-GB-S-70 Boltable plate with S-70 brackets 530 €
AB-C-GB-S-40/S-50 Boltable plate with double S-40 and S-50 brackets 530 €
AB-C-GB-S-50/S-60 Boltable plate with double S-50 and S-60 brackets 600 €
AB-C-GB-S-60/S-70 Boltable plate with double S-60 and S-70 brackets 800 €
AB-GB-NTP10 Boltable plate with B20/NTP10/S1 brackets 980 €
AB-GB-NTP20 Boltable plate with B27/NTP20/S2 brackets 1 160 €
AB-GB-B30  Boltable plate with B30/S3 brackets 1 500 €
RC-GB-2,0 Bolt on 2000 mm length 120 €
RC-GB-2,5 Bolt on 2500 mm length 130 €
RC-GB-3,0 Bolt on 3000 mm ilength 140 €
B-UCF-212 Roller bearing with bracket 75 €

Prices shown are without VAT and delivery.


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